All-In-One Quality
IPTV Service

Enjoy your time with excellent image quality up to 4K, on any device, anytime and anywhere, with over +30,000 channels, +135,000 VOD and up time 100%

Trending Series

Channels from 115 countries worldwide

You can watch TV channels from around the world (Netherlands / Belgium / Germany / UK / Spain / Portugal / Poland / Italy / Israel / Ex-Yu / Hindi / Arabic / Turkey…)

High Quality HD/FHD/4K

We offer all image qualities to view our iptv service everywhere, regardless of your network speed on: Mobile / TV / Android box / PC …

Movies Collection

Choose Your Plan


12 Months



12 Months



12 Months



12 Months


Duplex Play Activation
In Just $5

Enjoy your favorite channels from anywhere & any device

You will be able to watch all TV Channels, Movies, Series, TV Shows, Sport and documentary channels from all the world and on any device you prefer : Smart Phone, TV / Smart TV, Laptop…

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